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KVC Recognizes Foster Fathers – Week Three Recap

For the month of June, KVC WV is honoring one of our amazing foster fathers each day.  These tributes were posted on our Facebook page (you can like us here).  But if you missed it, here is the week three recap!

Joey Tolley


Joey Tolley

Joey Tolley has been a foster father with KVC since 2012. His motivation to foster is because he loves kids and kids need homes. Some of us hope to expand our families this way; some of us do it for the pleasure of having laughing young voices around.  Some of us are pushed into it by the children of family or friends needing care, and some of us grew up around formal or informal fostering – but all of them are doing it for their own reasons to get to have these great kids in their lives.  He does not want to be told he is a saint or an angel because he feels is doing something really “ordinary and normal” – that is, taking care of kids in need. If some children showed up on his doorstep dirty, hungry and needing a safe place, he’d care for them too – he signed up to be the doorstep on which they arrive. Thank you, Joey, for being a part of our KVC foster care team!

See the Facebook post honoring Joey here

William Neal


William Neal

William Neal and his wife, Rose, have been KVC foster parents since September 2014. They reside in Clay County. In this short amount of time, they have fostered 5 children and are currently fostering two young children. William states that being a foster father is a blessing to him and his family. He hopes to make good impressions and to be a good role model to the children in his home. William likes to be active with the children, stating that he loves reading to them, taking them on trips and pushing them on the swings. William and Rose are no strangers to the adoption process; they have a 24 year old daughter whom they adopted from birth. Having young children around again has been a “re-learning experience” but William states he and his wife enjoy having young kids again. They are tired but state it’s a good tired! William and his wife are wonderful assets to the KVC family!

See the Facebook post honoring William here

Wayne Ramsey


Wayne Ramsey

Wayne Ramsey and his wife Diana have been KVC Resource Foster Parents since 2010. Please join the Raleigh and Wyoming offices in recognizing Wayne for all he does for their children and the KVC West Virginia children in foster care. He is Dad to the family’s four adopted children, but at times this family has had up to seven children! Wayne is always involved with whatever the children are doing and loves playing and spending time with the kids. For Halloween, Wayne is always dressed as one of his or the kids’ favorite superheroes! Wayne makes a great Dad and is definitely a kid at heart. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to a “Super Dad.” Happy Father’s Day, Wayne!

See the Facebook post honoring Wayne here

Daren Adkins


Daren Adkins

Daren and his wife Kelly have been KVC foster parents since June 2004. Over the past eleven years, they have fostered many children, specifically teenage girls. Daren is a kind and patient dad. He generously shares his home with children. He has been supportive of the children by being involved in activities such as sports, cheerleading, and dances, ensuring the children have all the necessary items. Daren has also been supportive of reunification and visitations by providing transportation to and from visits. In times of need, Daren is there for his family and jumps in to give extra help with the kids. Daren and his wife, Kelly, have also adopted two children. Thanks, Daren for all you do for children in need!

See the Facebook post honoring Daren here

KVC West Virginia is so proud of these and our other foster and adoptive fathers!  If you would like more information about becoming a foster parent or about other ways you can help children in need, click here.

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